I am GP - Next Step
Throughout this series “I Am GP” we have been reminded that this place, GatheringPoint, happens because of you! GP isn’t really just a place you go, it’s you. And when two or more of you are gathered in Jesus’ name, God shows up. You are strengthened by relationships, you are nurtured by serving and giving of yourself, so the sum total of you is more than what you accumulate, but who you are.
I Corinthians was written for the purpose of identifying the problems in the church, to offer solutions, and to teach the believers how to live for Christ in a corrupt society. I Corinthians 12:12-27 has teaching concerning the Unity and Diversity within the Body.
Everyone is indispensable in light of the mission of the church. We are called to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and weep with those who are suffering. Every story is a direct result of our body working like a body. Anyone who has ever attended GatheringPoint Church was invited by part-of-the-body, parked by part-of-the-body, greeted by part-of- the-body, had their kids checked in and told the Bible story by part-of-the-body, were led in a small group, and were able to see and hear the service all because a whole bunch of body parts worked together and did something extraordinary. It’s worked because so many have made it work.
Early last week Pastor Dane received an e-mail from a lady who attends GP looking for information about groups and what she needed to do to take a next step to get further connected. During the phone conversation it was discovered that Beverly is almost 83 years young and is an incredible reminder to all of us about the beauty of the Body of Christ. We need to hear her story and be reminded of her value as a part of the Church.
We need you to be a somebody in this body.