Serve at GatheringPoint

Our birth-pre-kindergarten environment is highly interactive and focused on big ideas like God made me, God loves me and God wants to be my friend forever.

Our Guest Services team helps create a welcoming environment every Sunday morning. Check out the various positions at the link below!
GatheringPoint Kids is a dynamic, engaging environment designed for elementary kids K-5th grades.

Auditions are open for our GatheringPoint Music Team! If you are musically gifted as a vocalist or instrumentalist, we hope you'll check out the audition process below.
GatheringPoint's Middle School Ministry is a weekly environment for 6th–8th grade students. MSM gathers on Wednesday nights at GatheringPoint from 7 to 8:30 p.m.

The GP Production Team keeps everything running behind the scenes through camera operating, lighting, photography, and more! Check out our open positions and join the crew below.
GatheringPoint's High School Ministry is a weekly gathering for students grades 9th-12th. HSM gathers on Sunday nights at GatheringPoint from 6 to 7:30 p.m.

Do you have a unique skill or talent that you'd like to use to serve the church? Fill out the form below to let us know!
Serve Our Community
We have the opportunity to be part of a story that brings people together. Part of our mission at GatheringPoint is to show people that there is a God who is FOR them. How do we do this? By loving and serving our community.
Visit our GatheirngPoints of Service (GPS) page to learn more about how you can be #ForKankakeeCo.
Visit our GatheirngPoints of Service (GPS) page to learn more about how you can be #ForKankakeeCo.