Spark - Week 1

Feb 14, 2021    Paul Johnson

Community Group Discussion Guide
February 14, 2021

We have all found ourselves backed into a corner, at the end of our rope, at a dead end in life and prayed as a last chance effort for God to intervene and help us out. An, “oh God, I need a miracle” sort of prayer. But what if instead of seeking God when we need a bailout, we began with prayer asking God to lead us. Prayer can be the spark that begins our seasons of our life, rather than a last resort.

During this series let’s take some time to push the “pause” button on politics, pandemic reactions, finances, and complicated relationships because there isn’t always an easy answer.

*As we begin take a moment to share about what has you worried, stressed out, or anxious?

*When it comes to prayer, what have you most recently been requesting of God?

Read together Matthew 17:16-21 Jesus Heals A Demon Possessed Boy

The disciples were like “Jesus, we can’t figure this one out. We did the right thing, we said the right words, and we went to the right place.” Why is it not working?

Jesus basically asks the question, “did you pray?”

Scripture Support:
v. 17; The disciples had been given the authority to heal. Like us, perhaps they had tried everything else in their own power to make it happen all the while neglecting the power of God, through prayer.

Jesus’ frustration is with the unbelieving and unresponsive generation. His disciples were a reflection of that attitude. His purpose was not to criticize the disciples but to encourage them to a greater faith.

*Share an example of a time in your life when you prayed one of those “Oh God, please, I need a miracle here” type of prayers. What were the circumstances? What was the outcome?

The disciples felt like attempting to heal this boy was a lot of work. It was a lot of work because they did not pray.

“When you start with prayer, it feels like something is helping you with the work.”

v. 17-20; the mustard seed represents the smallest particle possible. There is great potential in even a little faith. In the time that we find ourselves powerless, we must examine our faith, be certain we are trusting not in our own abilities, or our own work to produce results, but in God’s.

*Have you ever prayed a specific prayer and felt like God didn’t hear your prayer or never answered? Share with the group your experience with that.

Paul reminded us in this week’s sermon that “just because you may not have gotten the answer to prayer that you wanted, doesn’t mean that your prayer hasn’t been answered.”

Perhaps you are facing a situation or problem that seems as big as a mountain. Turn your gaze from the mountain before you and look to Jesus.

*Share with your group members the one thing that needs the most prayer focus right now.

*Take time as a group to pray specifically for one another.

“Prayer is powerful, it’s not our last resort, it’s the spark that starts our life.”